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Your natural eye for detail is your greatest asset, especially when money is involved. If a business opportunity or financial offer crosses your path, don't just take it at face value, instead pick it apart. Read the fine print, ask the tough questions and trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Smooth talkers may hype up an offer, but you're too smart for a dud deal.
It's no good hoping that others will follow your lead, the major focus on relationships puts the ball firmly in their court. If you want to have an impact, then you'll need to treat them as equals and be ready to listen and liaise. There's one thing that could swing things your way, and that is a touch of flattery. While some may be immune, others will easily succumb to your words.
As the Sun syncs with Saturn, someone's words may sting a little, but before you dismiss it, consider if there could be truth in them. Not all criticism is negative and some of it is a great opportunity for growth. If you're willing to listen without taking it too personally, you might gain insights that refine your approach, sharpen your skills or strengthen your resilience.
The powerful Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 14th, coincides with your ruler Mercury going Retrograde the next day. But it's strict Saturn which will have the greatest impact, and there could be some important developments around relationships in the next six months. You can find yourself being firmer, or people being firmer with you. But the converse can be true, and if there's someone who you really bond with, personally or professionally, a big commitment can follow. But it might not come right away, so patience and sharpening up your listening skills are key.
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