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It's time to take a hard look at the habits running your daily life. Are they fuelling your ambitions or subtly sabotaging them? Small routines have a bigger impact than you think, and tiny tweaks can encourage momentum. Are you disciplined where it counts? Or are old patterns holding you back? This is your chance to explore ways of being that actually serve you.
Could it be time to set boundaries and be firmer in your interactions with family and relatives? If they've been taking liberties, it certainly is. Key relationships may need careful handling today, but you'll manage using tact and diplomacy. With emotions intensified by deep Pluto, there may be some potent but worthwhile conversations ahead that could help change the family dynamic.
The Sun's merger with Saturn means this isn't the best day for candlelit romance, but it's perfect for launching a serious entrepreneurial idea. While relationships may feel a little heavy, your ambition is laser sharp. If there's a project, business plan or creative endeavour you've been mulling over, now's the time to lay the groundwork. Passion isn't just for romance it can fuel success too.
There's a lot going down this month Scorpio, but mark week three in your diary, because then Mars, your traditional ruler, angles to Uranus, the planet of fast changes. This can be a really exciting time to go with whatever inspires you, and you could dazzle people in the process. Yet this month also nudges you towards taking your talents more seriously and finding a way to align your creativity with practical and sound structures. There may be some exasperation at times this March too, but the last week could see you enjoying a surprise and uplifting social meet up.
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