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As Mercury syncs with Venus in retrograde hold off from splurging on big-ticket items unless you love keeping receipts, paperwork and warranties. That dream purchase could turn into a hassle tomorrow. Delays, buyer's remorse or unexpected glitches might make you wish you'd waited. If you absolutely must buy it, double-check the fine print and save those crucial sale details.
There can be risks to getting involved in any relationship, which you're likely aware of, Pisces. In this instance, it may help to trust your sixth sense and any feelings you have rather than brush them to one side. As potent as this bond might seem, it could also be demanding. Be sure you want to make this kind of commitment to another before it's too late for you to back out of it.
Dreaming is your speciality, but with the Sun aligning with Saturn in your sign, it's time to turn those visions into reality. Wishing and hoping won't make things happen, but practical action will. Whether it's a goal, project or personal ambition, start laying the groundwork. Even small progress is still progress. Trust that structure won't stifle your creativity but will support it.
This month begins in potentially sublime fashion for your sign Pisces, if you're someone who has an abundance of artistic, creative, imaginative or sensory skills. But whilst tripping the light fantastic may appeal, you could find that others will soon challenge you to back up your talent with tangible results. Okay, that's a point, but sometimes the things that matter in life are not about what we can see and feel, as what we can intuit. But if you do have an idea or strand that you're excited about, be prepared to dig in. If you do, and show the commitment and application, by September you'll be rewarded.
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