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  • Today's Horoscope for Aquarius

    Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

    As the Sun ties with Saturn in Pisces, your future-focused mind is in its element, which is perfect for making an investment that could pay off down the line. Whether it's financial, educational or personal, this isn't about quick wins but about lasting rewards. Think long-term and watch as your efforts lead to solid results. Saturn loves commitment, so choose wisely and stay the course.

  • Yesterday's Horoscope for Aquarius

    Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

    Promising too much could backfire, so keep your commitments light and your schedule flexible. Plans are likely to shift unexpectedly, and what seems certain now might look very different by next week. Rather than locking yourself in, take things day by day and adapt as needed. Going with the flow will serve you well, allowing you to pivot when anything unexpected pops up.

  • Tomorrow's Horoscope for Aquarius

    Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

    You might be tempted to out-think your emotions, as logic is within your comfort zone. But feelings don't disappear just because you analyse them. If something keeps bubbling up, it's there for a reason. Instead of talking yourself out of it, try leaning in. Accept what you feel, and you may learn something game changing. Emotions aren't roadblocks, they're signposts.

  • March Monthlies Horoscope for Aquarius

    Aquarius 21 January - 19 February

    March bursts with possibilities Aquarius, and the side of you that's passionate about ideas and connecting to people, comes to the fore. But there can be some crossed wires, and you may find that not everyone is receptive to what you believe in. And yet that doesn't mean you shouldn't stand firm when you feel it's right. Shared finances could prove complex for the next six months, but from the 20th, you can feel inspired, and some very important and fated conversations could follow. Single? A date and a meal could be very enjoyable as the month comes to a close.

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