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The Sun aligning with Saturn in Pisces is your cosmic wake-up call, it's time to tap into your inner purpose and do something about it. No more waiting for the perfect moment, as even the smallest step forward is a big deal. Whether it's a passion project or a deeper commitment to personal growth, structure and discipline will turn dreams into reality. Just start where you are.
With Mercury slowing and merging with Venus retrograde in your sign, a relationship issue that's been clouded in confusion is ready for some much-needed insight. Instead of charging ahead with assumptions, pause and let the light of understanding in. A conversation can help dissolve doubts and clear up misunderstandings. Listen as much as you speak for best results.
Today's Moon in Virgo angles toward Jupiter in Gemini, reminding you that wise decisions come from seeing both the big picture and the fine print. If you're too fussy, you might get lost in the details. Too zoomed out? You risk missing crucial steps. The key is balance, so step back when needed, but also focus in where it counts. Try strategic thinking, not impulsive moves.
There's lots of action in your sign this month Aries, and it can be an opportunity to spring into an exciting new future, but will it actually happen? Why do I ask? Well, because the energies of last month's New Moon impact March so powerfully, and that's much more to do with loose ends or old psychological wounds, than the here and now. And with Venus and Mercury tracking backwards in your sign, it can be a case of two steps forward and one step back. And yet a new dawn can come as the month winds down.
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