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As the Sun and tough Saturn combine the universe is nudging you towards learning something key. Whether it's a course, a class or an experience that pushes your limits, hard work now will pave the way for future success. Yes, it may be challenging, but growth rarely happens in the comfort zone. Investing in new skills and knowledge will give you the confidence and tools to move forward.
As Mercury slows and aligns with charming Venus in Aries, career changes may be brewing, but don't rush into anything just yet. The landscape is shifting, and what looks like a golden opportunity today could morph into something entirely different tomorrow. Ride the wave of potential, but keep your feet on solid ground. Trust that the right move will become clear in time.
Logic has its place, but today your deepest knowing won't come from overthinking. Instead of chasing answers through endless analysis, quiet the noise and tap into your inner wisdom. Your intuition knows what your mind may still be debating. Pay attention to gut feelings, dreams and those quiet nudges that guide you in the right direction. There's no need to dissect every detail.
Who you know as much as what you know, could be crucial this month. You might find yourself reconnecting with an old colleague or thinking again about a previous business idea you've had. If you're travelling in week two, have a Plan B, as disruptions are possible. You may find yourself hankering for a new vehicle in the next six months, and reliability and value will be your aim. You could find yourself drawn to escapism and new interests as March winds down, and a previous hobby can take on fresh appeal.
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