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  • Today's Horoscope for Gemini

    Gemini 22 May - 21 June

    The cosmos is handing you a platform, so use it. Get ready to make a stand for the job, promotion or career shift that reflects your skills and talents. No more playing small, instead be ambitious, vocal and go after what you deserve. Saturn rewards hard work and commitment, so show them what you've got. Confidence is key, and if you believe in yourself, others will too.

  • Yesterday's Horoscope for Gemini

    Gemini 22 May - 21 June

    Think twice before rejoining a group or signing up for that membership. The idea might seem appealing, but will you really feel at home with these people? Nostalgia or a fear of missing out could be the reason, but do consider does this align with who you are now? If it feels forced or you're second-guessing, trust that instinct. The best communities energise you, not drain you.

  • Tomorrow's Horoscope for Gemini

    Gemini 22 May - 21 June

    The Moon squares with the expansive Jupiter in your sign, so the pressure to get everything just right might creep in. But it's very likely most people aren't looking for perfection, instead they're looking for effort, authenticity and confidence. Instead of overthinking every detail, trust yourself and do your best. Your brilliance will shine through, and that's what truly impresses.

  • March Monthlies Horoscope for Gemini

    Gemini 22 May - 21 June

    Your ruler Mercury rewinds from mid month Gemini, and you may find yourself revising some of your long term plans. In fact, the Lunar Eclipse of the 14th suggests world and work pressures can ramp up in the next six months, and finding a balance between your personal needs and this, is going to be a test. And yet the Spring Equinox of the 20th and Solar Eclipse of the 29th, can help you to reset your compass, and in a way which is more fitting for you. Your network and connections to others will be at the heart of this.

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