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Want to know the secret to success? Tackle the toughest tasks first. Procrastination may be tempting, but facing challenges head-on will clear the way for everything else to flow more smoothly. It's like climbing the steepest hill first, as once you're over it, the rest is a breeze. Prioritising the hard stuff means you'll accomplish far more than expected, with less stress.
Mercury slows and links arms with Venus rewinding, so hold off on making commitments, promises or jumping into team projects just yet. The coming weeks could bring unexpected shifts, and what seems like a sure thing now might look very different soon. Give situations a chance to unfold before tying yourself down. For now, stay flexible and just observe, Libra.
A trip or journey could carry far more meaning than just a change of scenery. It might be a relaxing getaway, a business trip or even a spontaneous day out, but this adventure holds the potential to encourage a breakthrough. Conversations, sights or experiences may offer insights about yourself or your next steps. Stay open to coincidence, as good things come from doing so.
Your ruler Venus goes Retrograde on the 2nd, but still forges dazzling links with lucky Jupiter and speedy Mercury in the early part of March. But discussions can be fluid, especially if life has been burdensome and you've felt you've been carrying too much of the load. You need to feel heard, and if you can exercise your gift for diplomacy, your message will get through. In fact, relationships of all kinds come sharply into focus, but particularly around the Spring Equinox, when Venus and the Sun newly in Aries, angle to transformer Pluto.
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