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Your curiosity may be piqued when it comes to health and wellbeing. You'll be eager to garner ideas that enhance your routine and help you thrive. What's more, exploring other cultures and their healing traditions could open-up fascinating new possibilities. Whether it's a dietary tweak, a mindfulness practice or a holistic remedy, you're ready to embrace whatever feels good.
Get ready Virgo, as Venus's move into zesty Aries can ramp up the passion in your relationship. You'll be keen to smooth over any difficulties in areas where power-plays are possible. These include finances, business, intimacy issues and other matters that are emotionally charged. Looking for romance? An encounter in the next month could be intense from the moment you first meet up.
The cosmos encourages you to focus on activities that boost your joie de vivre. Replenishing your energy can be the key to shining in social and networking circles. Engage in hobbies or routines that lift your spirits, so you're fully charged when connecting with those who matter most. Balance work and play, and you'll thrive both personally and professionally, Virgo.
Saturn has asked you some searching relationship questions in the last two years, but then equally, you may have worked with him to clearly set your boundaries. However, as February begins, a gentler more beguiling energy can see someone have quite an impact, and that could be you. Don't underestimate just how fascinating you can be to someone you encounter. There will be practical strands too, and if you want to push ahead professionally, early on that window of opportunity is there for you too. But even if the Full Moon of the 12th brings some tender issues to the surface, later in the month there's an excellent chance to get the flow of communication working well.
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